Monday, February 6, 2012

Blog Group #4

Blog Group #4 Angela Beebe, Alex Sofranko, Kelsey Warner, Jiaqi Guo

This is a 2007 advertisement for Budweiser. There is a white, blond-haired woman laying on top of a Budweiser beer bottle. She is wearing a low-cut bathing suit that is made out of the label for the bottle. She is pulling her bathing suit strap off of her chest with her left hand while gazing at the viewer with a seductive smile. Her right hand is behind her head allowing her body to be in an open position. Her left leg is wrapped around the bottle. She has bright red lips and the background is bright red as well. Her skin is shiny as if she is lathered up with oil and at the beach. The bottle is her towel that she is laying on. The background and the bottle have water droplets on them like they are sweating.

The woman's positioning on the bottle is very seductive. Her eyes are looking at the viewer, which seems like she is saying “come and get me”. With her legs spread and her hand behind her back she is making so the viewer can have a full look at her. This implies that she isn't shy and is ready for suggestions. The fact that she is on the bottle, which is held in a person's hand, encourages the viewer to reach out and grab her.

The background appears to be sweating which implies that the attractive woman is making this happen. Her appearance and dress is something that typically drives a heterosexual male to perspire when he is faced with his innermost sexual desires. When a man is faced with sexual fantasies he typically sweats. Like men in this situation, the background drips in perspiration.

The colors used in this ad are all-American red, white, and blue. These colors were chosen to appeal to the hardworking American male that wants to come home after a long day of labor and enjoy a beer. The wording is placed in a suggestive manner across the woman so that while looking at her the brand is imprinted in the viewers mind. This allows the viewer to recall the woman when he is deciding what beer to buy. His mind will instantly make the association that to buy this beer would allow him to have a woman like the one used in the ad.

Why is the beer bottle so much bigger than the woman in this ad? Why does the ad use a Caucasian woman instead of a woman of another race? What is the significance of using an all red background? What are the other reasons for having the woman positioned on top of the beer bottle?


  1. I think it is very detailed and concrete descriptions of the advertisement. I liked all the analysis of the ad except that this ad can also attract homosexual female. It would have been perfect if you did not made a boundary on the preferences for both sexes.
    I am going to answer "What is the significance of using an all red background?"
    The color red denotes passion, love, and sexual desire by the prevalent view of people. Strong color outstands a protagonist in the ad and captivated the viewer's attention. The situation is similar to the bullfight. A seductive woman in the ad is a matador holding red flag and the viewers especially men are the bull going at the flag by and only focused on it; totally controlled by the attractive girl.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I really enjoyed reading this analysis. The point that you made about colors is very detailed. However, i think you need to mention more clear about the effects of using those colors such as blue, red, white, on the this picture. I also liked the summary. It has very strong details, organized well. For first research question, "Why is the beer bottle so much bigger than the woman in this ad?", i think they sell the beer product, not woman. Also, having large beer behind the woman might attract to people to see beer easily.

  4. I think this ad is very attractive. I like the analysis of this ad and I think that the most important part is the eyes of the woman. When you look at this ad, you cannot ignore this beautiful eyes. Also the body of the woman is like being in the bottle, which makes people want to have it drink it more. Very nice ad!

  5. The woman is caucasian because the ad is appealing to a white male audience and not to be racist but white guys tend to go for white girls. And the red background is just the color of the brand.

  6. It is significant to note how the swimsuit and the label blend. It almost makes the woman three dimensional. The impression of a three dimensional woman suggests that there is a lot more to this(her) than meets the eye. This is contradicted by how the swimsuit and label blend to make the label making the woman and the beer at odds over which gets your focus. It almost says, that for all that is more than meets the eye, don't let it fool you it's just beer......but!? It makes me think "trust in our beer, we wouldn't steer you wrong."

  7. The sexy woman laying on the beer bottle makes sense in this ad because most beer drinkers are heterosexual men and this woman would attract them to this particular beer. In response to the third question : Red is a very eye catching color and shows that the makers of this ad really want it to be noticed and stand out. The woman's swimsuit blends into the label of the beer almost seeming like this is a two-for-one deal. If you drink this beer, you can get a woman like this.

  8. I also agree with Oli that the girl is white beause Budweiser's main buyers are white men. Budweiser is very popular in the United States so Budweiser would want to direct their advertisements towards the majority in the US.

  9. I think the comment about the colors being red white and blue is quite interesting. You don't really notice it but it does give the beer kind of a patriotic feel. Combined with the "american dream girl" it makes this beer seem like its all an american heterosexual male needs in his life. I disagree however with the part about the background sweating. I think the water beads are supposed to depict an ice cold beer with condensation on it.

  10. The beer bottle is so much bigger than the woman because it is the main focus of the ad. The scandalously clad woman is just a tool to increase sales. I think using a Caucasian woman goes with the fact that Budweiser calls themselves the king of beers. Usually royalty is associated with Caucasian people. So it might be a play that she is the queen of Budweiser. The significance of using all red is probably because red is the color of love. Heterosexual men love the woman they see, therefore they love the beer as well. As for the reason why the woman is on top of the bottle, what heterosexual man doesn't want to see such an attractive woman climbing all over a cylindrical object, either that or what heterosexual man wants a woman climbing all over his beer. It probably just looked good honestly.

  11. I think that your summary and analysis was very detailed and through. The use of the American colors and how you guys perceived that to appeal to the all American man was very interesting. I definitely wouldn't of thought about that. In response to your questions, I I agree with the comment above about how the beer bottle is bigger because it is the main focus of the ad. I also agree with the comment above about how heterosexual men are just going to think this ad "looks good."

  12. You made very well-organized analysis for the ad. Specially, I was interested in the analysis about the color. People basically know the symbols of the red, but I think you should mention what is the symbol of the red in this ad, also I am wondering an effect of using the very attractive woman in the ads.

  13. This is a good perspective on the meaning of what this advertisement is trying to say to the viewer. There could be a different message being sent though, this ad in my eyes is selling the woman to the viewer by making her super appealing, and almost a part of the beer bottle itself. This could be saying that the beer and the woman attached to it are equally appealing.

  14. I agree with the comment above that the beer bottle is bigger than the woman to give more of an emphasis and focus on the product, while the woman is an addition to the bottle. Though I think that the reason the woman is white is because it goes along with the traditional American theme, along with the red, white, and blue colors.

  15. The bottle is bigger than the woman is because this is the ad of beer, and they should emphasis more on their product. About the color of the background and the color red white and blue, they use in this poster, are not only the American color, but also are the typical color of the brand, Budweiser.

  16. While I do believe with Allison that the color red is eye-catching, I also believe that part of the reason that this advertisement has so much red is because of the fact that that is the main color used in the brand's labels. The tradition of the red being involved with Budweiser keeps habitual buyers interested in the product.

  17. I guess red is one of a colors representing Budweiser. Red appeals to emotion and make veiewers go-and-get-a-beer feeling. The contrast of red background and a woman in a white bath suite also is very attractive and pop. The reason of using a white woman is, I guess, because the main target of the ad is white men. If a black woman is used, the ad would look more attractive to black men.
