Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Xintan Yang Film Response

The film that we watched in class, This Film is not yet Rated, is talking about disclosure of how MAPP rate a movie. Since MPAA is so mysterious that only can private detectives get information from spy ways. The board don't talk to the public any their data and criteria. Filmmakers said that if their movie was rated in the level, like NC-17, they will lost many audience even much earnings. This rate system is not fair, because filmmakers use their own way to present what they think is beautiful to audience by filming. But the board of MPAA ignore these filmmakers' rights, they only count how many times sexual plots come out rather than really understand the whole movie. At the end of this movie, there is a comparison between the rate of the movies that includes violence plots and that includes sextual plots. And the result is, many violence movies were overrated compared to the sexual movie.

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