Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Group Six Blog Post Assignment

This Dolce and Gabbana advertisement consists of two people entangled within black satin sheets. This woman is holding the sheet to cover herself because it seems as though she doesn't have any clothes on. She has blonde curly hair and by most people, she would be considered attractive. She seems to be staring off into space. The man is laying next to her and holds his gaze on her. He has brown hair and is well dressed in a suit. He has his hand on his knee which is touching the woman's back. On the bottom of the advertisement, it has the brand's name, Dolce and Gabbana, and a picture for the product that is being advertised.
The man is wearing a black suit, suggesting that he is a business man and professional. That also implies that he has a decent amount of money because suits can be expensive. The woman appears not to be wearing any actual clothing but the middle part of her body is covered up by the sheet. The couple appears to be in a bed which could explain the woman’s lack of clothing and also how their bodies are closely positioned. The woman has one hand keeping the sheet up near her shoulders, while the other rests at the top of her head. She is facing upward, showing her whole face with her eyes unfocused on something above her. The man’s hand at first appears to be reaching out towards the woman, but really it’s just resting on his bent knee. The only contact between the couple is his knee against her lower back. The man appears to be propped up on his elbow, with his arm curled to his body, and looking down at the woman. The position of his body implies that he wants to get closer to the woman.
The back ground consists of black sheets on a bed. The color black is the color power in the color wheel. The black sheets compliment the man's black suit and tie as well as mix with the sheet that is covering Scarlett Johansson. This serves to blend the major portion of her body in as part of the background. The man's black suit and tie serve to blend him in as part of the background putting the focus on Scarlet Johanson. This suggests that he is in the background and the main focus is Scarlett Johanson as her body, from mid-thigh down and from chest up, are the only contrast to the background.
Does the easy focus on Scarlett Johansson and the black sheets as background symbolize that she is the center her environment? How does her wearing only sheets and him wearing actual clothing add to the sexual implicitly of this ad? What is the purpose behind her, naked under a sheet, on a bed, having her back to a man wearing a suit with his front to her, on the same bed?


  1. By placing the woman in the center of the ad, I think it is trying to hint that using the product will give women a lot of power and beauty. Typically, women desire to be as elegant and perfect as the woman in the advertisement. It's possible that the man in the advertisement just arrived because he noticed the woman's beauty. Therefore, I don't think it is necessarily safe to assume that they are a couple. The man could have easily just been attracted to the woman due to her beauty and decided to come to her which is why he still has his clothes on.

  2. By only watching the poses of two models, it was impressive that interpreting in the way you did on here. And, for the 3rd paragraph, i really liked the analysis of colors to compare models' clothing with very dark black background. I think it is good analysis.

  3. The lack of "clothing" that the woman in the ad is wearing is very interesting, especially because the man is fully clothed. I think that the woman being naked under the sheets is showing her vulnerability, also that she has her back turned from showing that she wants to hide her goods from him. All of the black color in ad whether it be with sheets, clothing, or accessories really allows the viewer to focus in on the brightness of the woman's skin. I think that the contrast of color and the woman being naked in this ad makes the viewer think about sex. It also is making the viewer wonder what type of situation this ad is displaying.

  4. SHe is the center of attention, all eyes are drawn to her as you look at the picture. She is ready for sex is what her dress is implying she is naked under the sheets with a man and ready for sex, which is what this lipstick apparently makes you do

  5. By placing the woman in the center of the ad, seemingly naked, she is given a sense of power and control over the sexual eroticism in this advertisement. She shows that it is her choice whether the two will have sex or not by the way she is turned away from the man. The ad is implying that Dolce and Gabbana make-up gives women a beauty and power which is irresistible to men.

  6. I like your analysis which focus on the color of the ad. As you mentioned, the image of the color black present a professonal image and gentleman. Moreover, the positon of the women imply many things. The most important thing is that woman control the man. The woman is more powerful than man, and the man just follow her. In this advertisement, the woman presents the product of the Dolce&Gabbana and the man presents consumer of the product.

  7. She is definitely the center of attention, this is clear because not only is she in the center of the photo but also due to the fact that the man is staring at her as well. She doesn't just have the viewers attention she commands it. She is seemingly naked while the man is clothed to say that with this type of make up any girl can get a classy man. It is definitely implied that the make up can allow her to have any man she wants, and having her back turned towards him shows her dominance in the relationship.

  8. Having the woman the center of attention and making her appear naked makes the woman an object of the man on the top. This could be interpreted as women being inferior to men and only for man's pleasure. Also it implies that women may want this because the image is used to sell the product. Also, since the man is very well dressed implies that atractive men that women should be attracted to must be wealthy and dress nice.

  9. When I first saw this I was reminded of the typical business man who has an affair with some woman. The woman has a heavy emphasis on her face which is turned up to the camera. Her face is very pale compared to the rest of the photo and her face is very made up with make-up, which is the point of the ad. I agree with the comment above about how women should be attracted to men that are wealthy and dress nice.

  10. For some reason, I am unable to see the analysis underneath the picture so I am just going to go off of what other people have said. I like how there is so much black in the ad. I get a sophisticated vibe from it. The woman seems to be the focus of the ad, with the light hitting her face perfectly. The man is admiring her beauty. I wish I could see the analysis but I really like this ad.

  11. I can not seem to see the text as well. This ad glorifies the woman in it in the eyes of the man behind her. It is the ultimate portrayal of elegance and beauty. Everything in the ad appears to be high class, just like the designer brand Dolce and Gabbana, this ad is trying to sell you this lifestyle through glorification.

  12. The women, especially her eyes grabs my attention at the beginnig. She is staring some distant place. This is the advertisement for cosmetic, and there is a subtitle says "Holiday Look 2010". It implies that this cosmetic is for holiday make up. And the man wears a business suit also shows this point. Although, the women is looking somewhere, the women is staring her, maybe because the cosmetic she use make her looks more attractive.

  13. Cannot see the analysis, either. it is interesting to observe both of them appearances, especially postures of that guy. he is obviously attracted by the beauty of the girl and can not help touch the woman, showing the desire of having sex. all of this shows the power of the beauty, the power of Dolce and Gabbana, as well.

  14. I cannot see the analysis either, but i believe the ad is commenting on the role stereotypes between men and women. The women is portrayed in a sexy pose laying in bed while the man is wearing a suit seemingly ready to go to work. Its telling us that these are the roles each sex has but I dont see how this relates to dolce and gabbanas product?
