Monday, February 20, 2012

Blog group 5: Eleni, Xintan, Yamen, & Yu

In the advertisement, there is a yellow baby car seat placed upon a plain baby blue background. Next to it is a price tag with the number $217. Below it is the word durex, a condom company with a price tag $2.50. The price tag for the car seat is much bigger than the price of the condom. The words durex are written in white but has darker blue surrounding it.
This ad is depicting, in a humorous way, the two sides of sex: one being unprotected sex and the expenses that follow. Those expenses are much greater than the one car seat shown. For example, you may have a child, which in the long run will cost you a hell of a lot more than a condom that only costs $2.50. This ad is playing upon the users emotions, showing them that by investing a little bit into the company durex they will save a good amount of money in the end. So why take the risk? The other side is using protection and paying the small fee that comes along with buying one condom, because all it takes is one time. Why is it even necessary for the company to go about advertising in this way? This is a form of shock advertisement, it literally puts into perspective the consequences that arise from unprotected sex. So next time the viewer thinks about having unprotected sex, this image will arise in their head.
The color baby-blue is associated with babies. The use of yellow in the ad really makes the car seat pop, so the eye goes there first.

What is the significance of the big baby seat, is the baby big? Why is the company logo so small? Why is the background blue?


  1. Even though I cannot see the picture of advertisement, I can thoroughly understand what the message is. You wrote a good brief description on your advertisement. However, it would have been better if you further analyzed about use of color, what is humorous about the ad, what else is the cost of bearing a baby, and such.

  2. I can't see the picture, but I like your analysis. The ad effectivley persuades the viewers by showing two sides of sex.

  3. I think you guys have very strong details, even though i can't see picture above. The way you guys interpret about colors is pretty impressive. Although it was short, it was good.

  4. Even though this analysis was short, it was really thorough. I like how you analyzed the colors. In response to your first question, the baby seat is probably so big to represent the large responsibility and cost of having a child.

  5. The simplicity of the ad makes the viewer take a second glance at it. How often do we see advertisements with so little going on? I think that this ad is humorous but also gets right to the point. Either use Durex condoms and don't have a baby or have unprotected sex and have a baby. The use of the large car seat compared to everything else in the ad is to get viewer to think about what a big deal it is to have a baby.

  6. I think they used such a large baby seat in relation to the company label because it shows how large the responsibilities are that come with not using the product. Where if you take simple precautions and use the product, you wouldn't have to deal with those responsibilities. I agree with Angie when she said that the add being so simple makes the viewers look twice at it and think even more about what the add is trying to say which can be a very good strategy for the people marketing the product.

  7. I think the simplicity of the lab helps draw more attention to the small company logo at the bottom. When the viewer see the car seat and the price they immediately wonder why it is there or what the point of it is. This causes them to search the rest of the ad for more leading them to the logo and price. I think the company does this so that the viewer sees the car seat first and not the logo first to create a more dramatic realization.

  8. I agree with the comment above that the baby seat is big because a baby is a big responsibility and cost. This is a very straight forward advertisement with not a lot going on and I think this is because it’s a simple decision that when using a condom it's not likely to get pregnant.

  9. I agree with the comments above. I also feel that the baby seat is big to put an emphasis on it. I like this advertisement because it gets straight to the point and is quite clever. It makes people think whether or not they should have unprotected sex because of the consequences of it.

  10. It is important to note the use of the color yellow. Yellow is used an attention getter but it also used as a warning when used against a black backdrop(the other color of the carseat). It's proven that babies cry more in yellow rooms. The color is also associated with being spontaneous. It is actually recommended not use this color in advertising if you want to promote stability. The color blue (the durex color) however, promotes stability. So there is a binary.

  11. The seat is beg to show that the product is reliable, it is safe and can protect the baby.
    THe background is blue because that color is associated with babies.
    The company logo does not need to be big since the ad is very simple and it stands out

  12. I agree with Alex's comment that the comparison between the large car seat and small brand shows that it is a simple precaution to save from having the extreme responsibility of a child. Also, on that, it is likely that this is also comparing the small cost of the condom compared with the large cost of children.

  13. this picture is so interesting and the analysis is good, as well. even though it is an advertisement for condom, the baby seat takes up most of the space. the color of the baby seat is yellow, which is a color can easily attract others and convey a sense of warning.

  14. The advertisement was relatively straight forward, you have unprotected sex and there are consequences. The larger baby seat is to show that the magnitude of the decision not to wear protection is much greater than if one were to choose to simply wrap up. The company's logo is so small to show that the product cost isn't nearly as costly as having a child. The background is blue because there is a baby. A soft blue like that is usually the color of things people give to baby boys.

  15. I would explain more what the baby seat means and what the high price tag also infers. I think the idea that the company has in making the baby seat so big and the logo so small is to bring the initial attention to the expensive baby seat and then when the viewer looks at the logo they see that it is much cheaper to use their products than to have a baby. I would also think about the viewers and the goals of the viewers. What if the viewer wants to have kids and knows the financial responsibilities of having a kid?
