Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Allison Bankieris, Blog Group 3, Primary Source Summary

Allison Bankieris, Blog Group 3, Primary Source Summary


This is Rihanna’s cover for her newest album “Talk That Talk”. She is only shown from the chest up. She is African-American, has various shades of light brown hair, and sultry, dark eye makeup. Her lipstick is orange-red and she is licking her upper lip. Her shirt looks like an animal print and her hand is grabbing the top of her head. On her left arm is a tattoo the reads “TALK THAT TALK”. She is wearing three chunky rings and in the top left of the cover is a silver, punk-rock looking “R”. She is looking up at the camera from beneath her eye lashes.


This is Britney Spears’ television advertisement for her perfume “Curious”. The commercial starts off with Britney Spears walking into a hotel room. She notices an attractive man walking into the room right next to hers and they make eye contact. They are both Caucasian and beautiful. She is dressed in a fashionable, light tank top and jeans and has blonde, curly hair. He is wearing a casual suit. The hotel looks very nice with wooden floors and white walls. Then, Britney sits down on her bed and takes her shoes off, the man sits down on his bed and seems to be thinking. There is a close up of Britney’s eye with a seductive wink. She then gets up from her bed and walks to the wall that is between their rooms. She touches the wall then her pink lips part. Then there are flashing images of lightening, a blue sky, water dripping, purple flowers blooming. Then the man looks up from his bed and an image flashes of Britney biting her bottom lip. The the ad shows two dolls being pushed together in a kiss as Britney and the mysterious man are shown kissing as well. It shows her clawing at the skin on his back and then running back to her room with just a white bed sheet wrapped around her. A quick cartoon image of a girl with hearts around her flashes, then an image of two hands grabbing each other. Then a “Do Not Disturb” sing is hanging off a hotel door handle. A bull at a rodeo is shown then two people rolling around in bed is displayed. Waves crash then Britney is shown laughing. Britney and the man are shown on opposite sides of the wall between their rooms, fully clothed as if nothing ever happened. They both pull away from the wall as Britney whispers “Do you dare?”. Then her product, a blue perfume bottle, is shown on the screen.


  1. The poster summary is good. I can easily image what she looks like before looking at the picture. For the second ad, I would go into meaning of each scene. Why cartoon image, wave, and two people who are rolling around in bed is shown up. What does those mean?

  2. I really like the way you providing the details of two sources. It was easy to understand without looking the sources on the web sites. However, i felt like you totally didn't write or mention any opinions or perspectives toward the sources.
    I think it will be better, if you put some opinions.
    And, i guess Britney's perfume is more suitable to the course theme.

  3. I don't know why this did not post monday, sorry I must have forgot to hit pubish. But if you still need it, all that I was going to say is that the descriptions of both of your sources, especially your second one, are good. There is not much more to say for the first one, and the only thing that I would add to the Britney commercial is something about the music that is playing in the background. Sorry again for this not posting.
