Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Group 1 Blog Post

Oli Mason, Gabe Baumgartner, Jing Wei Zhou, Moose Mannarino
Blog Group 1
Old Spice Ad
This is a picture from one of the Old Spice ad’s produced by the Shulton Company in early 2008. It showcases a fit African American man with a shaved head and a goatee. He is standing in a white tile bathroom with his shirt off in only a white towel. A bottle of Old Spice is tucked into his towel. He is wearing dozens of gold metals around his neck, and he is holding a chainsaw which is resting on his shoulder in his right hand. Lit candlesticks can be found all over the shot, and he is standing directly in front of the shower. The background is fairly plain as the bathroom isn’t anything extraordinary.
The ad aims to say that Old Spice can turn any regular schmuck into a real man. This is represented by the chainsaw and the extremely fit man. The chainsaw is typically used for work that would be considered masculine. This includes such jobs as being a lumberjack, yard work, and as a power tool considered a symbol of his own power. The chainsaw is also one of the most dangerous tools commonly found in a household. The relaxed manner in which he holds the chainsaw shows that he is even manlier because he isn’t afraid of the danger that the power tool holds. His athletic build is also a trade mark characteristic of the manliest of men. He represents what all men should aspire to generally look like.
Old Spice claims to be able to help you achieve almost impossible odds such as winning a plethora of gold medals. The importance of the gold medals in this case is saying that not only is the man obviously better than anyone else, but that the product as well is better than anything else on the market. The medals also representing how much achievement the man has gotten over his life time. This makes him more attractive and displays his level of confidence to the world. By using Old Spice the ad claims that one can become more confident and soar to greater heights than he could without the product.
The candlesticks in the ad represent how Old Spice can turn the user into a real gentleman. Traditionally candlesticks are found at classy dinners or when a man is trying to woo a partner. Most young men traditionally aspire to be gentleman like, and get what they desire in a physical sense. This part of the ad basically insinuates that by wearing the product one will get laid. Overall Old Spice is using the image of this man to play off of what most of the male population aspires to be like.
What does the fact that the man is an African American have to do with the ad? In traditional advertising campaigns women are used to market a product; what is the advantage of exclusively having a man, and pretending that he is only talking to women? What does the man’s facial expression have to do with the way the ad is presented?


  1. In response to the second question: Old spice is using a man to sell this product to show the manliness of the product. This is appealing to other men because they can put themselves in the position where the man in the ad is and envision themselves using this product. Also I think this ad doesn't dance around the idea of what you think a man should be but it presents it in a "take it or leave it" manner. A man that wants to get laid and wins gold medals while holding a chainsaw only uses this product so you should too.

  2. I agree with the first comment in that this advertisement is pretty blunt. The man is presented in a pretty stereotypical "manly" way. Your analysis calls this muscular, gold medal winning guy a "real man" which seems biased because everyone has a different opinion of what a "real man" is. However, your "real man" statement makes sense when talking about this ad because Old Spice is trying to present this man and the idea of "real manliness" in the exact way your group describes it.

  3. I don't believe that it should be taken that this man is necessarily a "real man" but rather he possess the ideal success and masculinity that every man desires. I think this ad is trying to push the idea that the use of Old Spice can make you as perfect as this man which makes it appealing to other men because that is something most men would desire. The stereotypical African American is better than Caucasians at sports. Therefore, the man being African American makes the idea that he won all of those medals more believable.

  4. I agree with the paragraph about Old Spice turning a man into a gentlemen. The candlesticks in the background could definitely represent being a gentlemen and romantic. I do think that a "real man" varies from person to person but the ad represents the stereotype.

  5. In addressing the question about why the man is African American as opposed to Caucasian I dont think the athletics stereo can completely justify it because this same man appears in other ads by this company where sports aren't included. I also find it interesting how they make use of both the candles and the chain saw. These two things have absolutely nothing in common but the fact that they are both there is supposed to show this man is both very manly and sensitive.

  6. I agree with third paragraph which Old Spice is better than other competitors. The gold medal usually represents the best. Many gold medals on his neck could exactly mean the best in the field.

  7. Answering to the last research question: the facial expression that he is making is usually to attract girls and to be turned on. The way he is dressed, how fit his body is, and the candle lights can be the support of attracting girls or possibly guys. The whole point of this ad is to get people buy the product and then they will be as attractive as him. So his facial expression is a cherry on top for how to attract others.

  8. It is evident that the character being black in the commercial goes with the contrast between the chainsaw and the medals. As already noted, the chainsaw takes an approach towards masculinity. The chainsaw however, contradicts the medals in that it symbolizes an ordinary, average, and hard working consumer. The opposite to that is that the medals imply an elite individual. Though these to objects contradict each other the message could emphasize the idea that every ordinary man can be extraordinary. Any man can stand out. This is also supported by the black man of darker skin in front of a white background. It is intended to make him standout even more so than he already is. The color white symbolizes, among other things, innocence, goodness, and purity in the color wheel. Blue symbolizes trust, truth, wisdom, faith, confidence, intelligence and is associated with depth and stability. These concepts mixed with his confidence are meant to win trust. If he can stand out then so can you. During an earlier class discussion it was noted that the lack of women makes them silent. This in addition to the man addressing only women who are not speaking back equates to both power and confidence. To talk and not listen means to give orders and not take. To dismiss criticism supports the idea of self-confidence. The man's look gives the impression of radiance and light-heartedness. It's like he's not worried about anything. Light-heartedness goes hand-in-hand with confidence. The message appears to bombard the viewer with a barrage of masculine concepts that appeal to both men and women. What is the significance of the ad taking place in a shower?

  9. Another way that the second discussion question could be answered is that the idea of using a male in this advertisement could also be to attract women. In a significant amount of serious heterosexual relationships between adults, women shop for their husbands or significant others. This ad could also be targeted towards this idea. The candles and man in just a towel could hint towards the idea of a more romantic life, and the masculinity pulled from the ad could also attract wives and girlfriends shopping for their significant others.

  10. I agree with all the other comments that talk about how this man portrays a "real" man. Perhaps the ad is showing how women will come flocking to the him because of his masculinity and his softer side (the candles). The medals could signify all the women that he's slept with because of his winning characteristics. Men do tend to say that sleeping with more women makes them greater.

  11. 3rd analytic paragraph has very strong details and analysis. What i rally got impressed is describing the gold medals on model's neck as the winner of the competitions.
    However, i want to know what aspect of his gold medals makes him more attractive. I am little bit confusing with the meaning of attractive in the context. Overall, i really enjoyed reading this.

  12. As already stated, many details in the ad are used to extenuate the stereotypical masculinity of the man. The way that the old spice product is tucked into his towel suggests that it’s a secret tool of his, like the chain saw but more in a subtle way. The imagery and the effect that is made by the Old Spice bottles position is it is part of his tool belt around his waist. An interesting thing in this advertisement is the usage of the chainsaw and the work involved with winning the metals are activities that makes you dirty and most likely in need of a shower afterwards, and the man is in a towel, in front of the shower, with Old Spice. This suggests that in order to do the “manly” things, you’ll need Old Spice to get clean afterwards.

  13. The spice tacked in his tower means it is his necessary, he can not be without this spice. Also, the metals and the chainsaw suggests that he maybe is a lumberman or an athelete, these careers are need spice more, and the background, clain bathroom with light wall and candles, represents the man become more gentle after he use this spice. And I agree with the text said this metal suggests Old Spice is better than other competetors in the market.

  14. I really like this ad. This man in the picture has lots of clear factors that stand for a real man. But I cannot find clear link between this ad and what it wants to sell.
