Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Xintan Yang Blog Group 5, Primary Source Summary

Aat the beginnin of the commercial, we see a hand active like using the key to start a car, then his feet is imitating start it. The next image that present that actually there is a father is imitating driving a car for his families, his daughter and his wife. Big smile on all of their faces, and everything looks filled with happiness. His family are sitting on his left side, and he's looking at them all the time. But suddenly, his face turn to scared, it seems that he just find something in front of him. He turn his steering wheel in a hurry. Then everything is in a slow motion. His daughter and his wife come and hold him tightly, and their hands and arms consist like a seat belt. Then the car accident happened, the plate, acted like the wind shield, is broken to pieces. But the man is safe and sound because the seat belt that his families made. And smile on their face again.

This is a commercial of Bust Buy's buy back program. At the beginning, comperes are introduce the new products in the media. Then there is a news conference of a new product coming out, and one of the audiences complain that she just buy the last generation. The next image is about a man is drinking his coffee and using his new laptop, but when he turn his head left, he saw a huge commercail about a newer laptop on the back of the newspaper that another costomer hold, as a result, he feel so shock that he spit his coffee on his laptop in accident. Then a woman hold her new cell phone, just cime out the shop, she saw a huge commercial of a new cell phone, she feel so angry. The best thing is the subtitle, which says, we feel your pain. Then a father bought a new 3D TV, and the new TV just be sended, he saw a commercial that painted on the truck, then he blame himself stupid. At the same time, his daughter is laughting at him buying a wrong TV.


  1. I would use the first commercial. It uses emotion to draw the viewer in and keeps them there because they want to know what happens in the end. Perhaps be more clear of the setting where the family is, where the father is compared to the mother and daughter. Other than that, it looks good!

  2. I feel as if the first one is the better of the two. Although I don't feel as if either commercial depicts sexuality the way we have been discussing it in class.

  3. It took me long to put a comment, sorry. I couldn't relate two commercial to sexuality, but we can do analysis on both of commercial no matter what the content is and doing analysis, noticing details, reveal hidden meaning or how we interpret information and so on also relate to the course content.
    The first commercial may relate to sexuality, but not really obvious. As we learned, sexuality can hold a lot of meanings. Man and woman has their own roles based on a culture and the commercial set up that the driver's role is father's role, as most of families are so. Of course mother can drive the car, too. Am I the only one who think usually father drives? Because father or man is usually physically strong or tough, like Brendan pointed out after we watched the Jennifer Lopez movie? Are men just gentle to their wife?
    I would use the first one cause it seems like there are lots more to write.
