Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Rebecca Kohlruss, blog group 6, primary resource summary

This commercial by Dolce and Gabbanna begins with on a boat with a very muscular man in a white swimsuit and an attractive woman wearing a white bikini. The man looks at the women who is lying across the boat and continues to dive out of the boat and swim towards the ladder on the dock. The woman follows and he helps her up the ladder and they begin to kiss and as soon as that happens, a guy in the background calls cut and a black and white sign comes up clearly showing that the scene is over. The commercial then continues to show the whole scene with the water and couple standing on the shore as a voice in the background talks about the product Dolce and Gabanna Light Blue.

This commercial done by Axe starts out with a guy spraying himself with Axe body spray in front of the mirror, then it cuts away to the shelf, then back to the mirror but suddenly he is made of chocolate with a big smile on his face. He then is walking down the sidewalk with the same facial expression and he breaks off part of his chocolate nose and sprinkles it over two girls’ ice creams. Then he is in a movie theater with two girls on either side of him licking the side of his face with chocolate all over their faces. The next scene is of him in a hospital with a girl in a bed laughing at how he has his chocolate hand coming out from the middle of a box. The scene after that is him standing on a bus and the girl takes a bite of chocolate off him from behind. He then continues to walk down a sidewalk and goes past what seems to be a gym full of girls that run up to the window pressing their hands against the window. Then a car goes by and a girl rips his arm off and he continues to stand there with the same smiling expression since the beginning and waves toward the direction of the car. Then the words “as irresistible as chocolate, new axe dark temptation” as shown at the bottom right hand of the screen and it ends with Axe across the screen with the letters coming up out of a pool of chocolate.


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  3. 1. Commercial #1
    I gotta say, seriously, Dolce and Gabanna Light Blue must be some solid cologne for it to not wash off after a quick dip in the bay. To add to that she still swam after him. I gotta get some of that. Wow! Seriously though, it makes you stop and wonder if the guy was even wearing the cologne. I guess that somehow it got around that he wears Dolce and Gabanna Light Blue and so she was up to speed. It makes you stop and wonder what does this really have to do with cologne? The commercial is a stereotypically muscularly carved Italian/Hispanic/Latino/Greek male in a pair of feminine swim trunks looking like James Bond's Dr. No, only as a man and still the dominant entity. The woman, on the other hand, a blonde haired, slender, INNOCENT looking young female wearing her poker face. The color white symbolizes light, goodness, innocence, purity and virginity. I guess we're just supposed to trust the guy. Or, maybe we're supposed to trust her. After all, the guy did look a little salty. Lying around in the sun on a floating dock in what appears to be a remote island in the Mediterranean Sea, off the cost of Italy, isolated from land, and it is only the two of them. Maybe it's Ibiza. Mom and Dad would not be happy, especially in Europe. Then he looks at her as if to undress her with his eyes and rolled out. That's a pretty long swim to shore. I guess in that brief moment where their eyes locked, she finally came to her senses and realized what she was letting go. Better go after him. Quickly now!! Hurry up!! And then upon meeting back at shore, they both have the strength to kiss and make up. Stamina right?!! It seems like the story is a guy and girl having issues and he bounced knowing that she would come after him. This says a lot to both male and female. It's cologne for men so the commercial ultimately favors men. To a male it is like, "whatever, I wear Dolce and Gabanna, I'll get somebody else." I'm not a woman but it seems to tell women hey don't let that guy who wears the Dolce and Gabanna go. He's worth it.

  4. 1. Commercial #2
    Wow! This guy made the right choice! So you get the scent of chocolate and it's on. The guy sprays himself down with Dark Temptation, turns into a chocolate man, and heads out on the the daytime. Who knows maybe it is Saturday. After all, I'm made of chocolate. You know a pure, decadent, sweet tasting, wholesome candy that is both medically and directly related to the increased libido of women. Follow his nose, it always knows, but don't worry ladies there's plenty to go around. Seriously the guy breaks his nose off and crushes into the ice cream cones of two females he happens by. It just adds that special something to the ice cream that was....missing. And, without a word or a motion the ladies have a seductive expression of gratitude that is the sexual equivalent to the thousand yard stare you might see on a PTSD victim. I'm guessing that, as the magic eight ball said, “success will be yours”, because now he's kickin' it at the movie theater with two women, not one but the same time! I guess somewhere in the world of social etiquette and politics somehow woman has managed to reach a compromise about her "chocolate." You can have this ear and I'll take the other, there is no need to fight. Or is there. Let us see who can work that tantalizingly sensitive area of the ear directly related to arousal better. The winner gets the chocolate. That's fair. Well that was fun but I have to go meet my particularly attractive blonde haired blue-eyed, girl next door, stuck in the friend zone, close friend who is in the hospital and give her a hand. My hand to be specific. Don't worry I'll manage. And just when I thought it was over, I run into a girl on bus who finds me attractive. The entire time she sits there looking like she can't resist but to take a bite out of me. So what does she do? She takes a bite of me. Of course what part does she take a bite out of? My buttocks!! Seriously of all places you could get a bite of a chocolate man. Earlier his nose was pretty gruesome but forget that why waste time? Go straight for the hind parts. So we walk off the bus now and conveniently by a fitness club where all the housewives and business women are working out. The smell of chocolate goes through windows, didn't you know? And that smell is so strong, so captivating, so powerful that nobody in their efforts to better position themselves to bless and receive the aroma thought to use the front door. Instead....we'll riot, completely breaking the "Axe Dark Temptation Chocolate Ceasefire Act of 2008". Oh man! The girls in that car stole my arm. It's ok though, Ashton would understand.

  5. This definitely relates to the topic of the class because it involves many things about sexuality. It is also important that the people are attractive because it makes the commercial and product more appealing. How do you think that the color white of the swimsuits relates to the overall product and commercial? What do you think that it represents? What do you think that the journey of the swim represents?

    The second commercial also related to our class topic because it deals with who people are attracted to. In this description, it is really important to note that the women chasing the man are attractive because it would be a very different commercial if they weren't. Some important questions to think about in your analysis include the following. Do you think that the breaking of chocolate limbs has a positive or negative aspect on the commercial? How do you think that the overly large smile affects the commercial?
