Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Eleni Rigsby, blog group 5, primary source summary

This is an advertisement for Duncan Quinn, a designer suit company. In the ad there is a well dressed man in a plaid suit with a disturbing smile plastered on his face. As we can see, he is not wearing a tie, instead it is used as a makeshift noose to strangle the woman. The woman is clothed in only a bra and underware and she appears to be dead or unconscious. Her body is strewn across a car, which looks more sporty like. Nothing else can be seen in the background because it is black. There is also no bright color in the ad, it is all different colors of grey and white. The words duncan quinn are written in the bottom right hand corner, on top of the car.

Above is an advertisement for Belvedere vodka. The commercial begins with three males and one female walking towards the camera. The female has red hair which really makes her appearance pop. The four people enter some sort of party and kisses are exchanged with two people. One is an older woman and the other we don't know because her back is to the camera. There is a flash of a bottle of Belvedere vodka resting in a bucket of ice, under it the words indulge responsibly flash on the screen. A man holds a camera and snaps of picture towards the viewer of the commercial. The red headed women converses with a group of people and plays with another woman's hair. Martini's are seen being passed along a tray, a woman eats something, a man gets his tie pulled out from his neck, and someone touches another man's butt. One of the guys from the beginning of the commercial approaches an old looking painting. The commercial flashes to another scene of two women close to kissing and a picture is taken of them, then back to the man and the painting. He has taken out a sharpie and begun drawing on the painting. Another woman comes up behind him and says "It's fabulous darling." We flash back to the party and see a woman's high heel pull out an electric cord from it's socket and some, but not all, of the lights go out. The sprinkler overhead is set off and people react by screaming and running. The man who drew on the painting runs for cover under the piano, the red head joins him with the bottle of belvedere vodka in her hand. They exchange a kiss and another picture is taken. Suddenly, the screen goes black except for a bottle of Belvedere and a caption that says "Luxury reborn."


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  4. For the vodka commercial, the scenes change dramatically, so must've been a hard task to describe that movie. do you think it is one of a pretty common way of advertisements to promote products with some kind of sexuality? I am now getting curios why so many products, such as cloths, alcohols, and foods are promoted with sexual figures as I also picked up a beer ad.

  5. Actually, the first poster scared me a little. And I recommand you to choose the second ad. In the second one, it should be a formal banquet, but after close-up for the Belvedere vodka, everything change, it looks like a crazy party, everyone's crazy behavior seems normal and can be identified with in this party. The part that interests me most is a man are drawing on a painting and change it looks like a funny one, then a woman said, "It's fabulous!"

  6. Both ads posted are very good, I'm curious as to why the first ad caught your attention. Also what the first ad means to you, I feel as if there are a lot of subliminal messages thrown out in the first advertisement. Your summarys were thorough and covered pretty much everything.
