Monday, January 9, 2012

Kyle Bruzetti, Blog Group #6 Primary Source Summary #1 This is a double video of an Enzyte Male Enhancement Supplement commercial featuring the mascot "Bob." Bob is a below average, working class, married, white male who's life is average and dull. Through an advertisement, Bob discovers a male enhancement pill. After beginning the male enhancement treatment, Bob's life begins to take a turn in a more fulfilling direction. The first video shows Bob on an elevator surrounded by co-workers with sullen looks on their faces as he is the only person with a smile. Many of Bob's co-workers look out into Bob's cubical with curiousity and interest into what Bob's secret is to his increased happiness. Bob waves at his neighbor who is out watering his plants. His neighbor fails to return the wave as the hose he uses to water his plants loses pressure and begins to sag while having a sad look on his face. Bob's wife is shown waiting at the door for him to return home with vigor and enthusiasm. The second video is a continuation to the stroy of Bob and starts with him at a pool party surrounded by stereotypically attractive women who he is engaged in active conversation with. A woman who is active in another conversation halts her conversation to wave to Bob. The narrarator uses the inuendos that, "in a few short weeks Bob has a BIG new SPRING of confidence," and,"a generous swelling of pride." While diving into a swimming pool, Bob accidentally loses his swim trunks only to look with confidence as two females look at him with amazement, one white male looks with a scared look, and one black male looks with aggravation.


  1. Commercial #2
    Bob has made a good investment for his future. He seems to be doing as should anybody who has invested in vitality in bottle. If it hadn't been for Enzyte Bob might be average. But as we can see here he is above average. It appears that Bob is somebody all men should look up to. He is an example that there doesn't have to be a worry of being hit below the belt. He is always smiling. He is never in a bad mood. He is just enjoying his life. He doesn't have a care in the world. Neither can you for $59.95 for your first month and two easy payments of $19.95 after. With Enzyte Bob was able to reclaim his quality. So can all inadequate men do with a chemically induced growth therapy.

  2. This relates to the class theme because it relates to the way that 'Bob' is doing it. It's definitely important to note how average his life was before compared to present. It may be a good idea to think about the colors in the commercial more. What do you think that the hose with less water pressure is trying to get across? Also, how do you think the increased attention from attractive women is supposed to come off?

  3. This commercial relates to the average man, seeming to imply that every man should want to take enzyte male enhancement pills. Before he took the pills he seemed unhappy and thought he wasn't anything special. Why is it significant that only after he took the pills he became more than average? What in our society makes men feel the need to resort to taking pills for enhancement to apparently become a "better" and more confident man?
