Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Xinyi Wang, Blog Group #2, Primary Source Summary


This A&F TV commercial starts with three men walking towards the camera, the one in the middle is shirtless. Then he takes 2 spray of perfume on his chest, thinking about a girl in his mind. After that we can see two girls coming from upstairs and they want to go out. But suddenly, they find something different and take a deep smell. They are immediately attracted by this smell and cannot help to run to where the smell comes from. They go back to upstairs and find the one with perfume and they all go together. Finally, it comes to the “fierce” perfume from A&F. This commercial is pretty straight forward. These two girls change their plan because they love this smell so much, which means the man wearing the perfume is sexy and attractive. The picture that is on the perfume bottle shows a shirtless muscle man. It presents what people think a sexy man is. The title on TV is also red bold letters that can attract people’s attention.


This is a poster of movie Titanic in 3D. We can clearly see that the two main actor of this movie, Jack and Rose, are hugging each other tightly. They are wearing life jacket and looking at the disaster, with a little fear in their eyes. From this poster we can also find that there is a sloping wood pillar behind them. There is snow shown on this poster and this adds some tragic color into the feeling. This poster tells us that even in great dangerous circumstances, people can still keep their true love and give away life for the one we love.


  1. Yes, I agree with you that the first video is straight forward and you have summarized the video very well. I don't have anything to add on this one.
    Good summary for the second video. Just a small doubt on this poster is that I don't know if they are wearing life jacket or not. Overall, good summary.

  2. For the first video, I think you have done a good job analyzing it, but it appears to be a homemade Abercrombie commercial, not a real one. You might not want to use a homemade commercial for a paper like this.

    The second source I thought was pretty good, you tied its meaning into the theme of sexuality well.
